Thursday, September 30, 2010

Cape Gallery - Jin




REAL NAME: Unknown

CLASS: Unclassifiable

POWERS: Ability to leap across continents, equipped with a sword that can reportedly cut through any substance, and possessing a fighting style that has been described as 'impossible, unstoppable, and utterly untouchable'. A full understanding of Jin's powers is not available at this time, largely because of a lack of experience--for example, it is unknown if she is invulnerable because no attacker has ever managed to land a hit.

QUOTE: "Break my legs and I will crawl. Break my arms and I will drag myself by my jaw. I will bite your foot even as it descends to crush my skull. So long as there is injustice, I will never cease."

BIOGRAPHY: Full knowledge of Jin's history remains elusive; America's government first became aware of her in the 1930s, while China has reports of her dating back to decades before--with more than one source putting her arrival all the way back in the early 1800s.

Jin's first encounters with the Japanese military during the Second Sino-Japanese War are what awoke American interests--although powers were nothing new in China or Japan, Jin stood out as being capable of effortlessly dispatching any opposing power regardless of their class. Though unaffiliated with the Chinese government, Jin would often join battles within her immediate proximity--protecting civilians and dispatching units who directly threatened them (earning her the popular title of '戰爭天使', roughly translated as 'Angel of War'). Japan responded with several powers of their own, almost all of whom were effortlessly slain. Notable exceptions included Shinigami and Ipponsugi, both whom allegedly surrendered to Jin and were judged 'innocent'. The details of this situation remain classified by the Japanese government.

Shortly after the Second Sino-Japanese War, Jin began an active one-woman campaign of toppling 'unjust' and 'oppressive' warlords, bureaucrats, and politicians throughout all of Asia. Inevitably, her targets were those who demonstrated that they thought themselves to be above the law; one by one, she either placed them in the hands of their people or executed them in their homes. Eye witness accounts describe how she would list their crimes in great detail; rather than denying them, her victims would often weep openly and beg for leniency. There are no accounts of Jin ever showing mercy.

American response to her was largely indifferent up until September 3rd, 1974--when, on public television, Jin landed next to Jim Brennigan, one of Pennylvania's Federal Congressmen, during a political rally not far from his home. She proceeded to list his crimes in plain, clear English--including allegations that he had participated in the murder of a young woman in Thailand during his stay there several weeks ago. Then, in front of thousands of witnesses (including Mr. Brennigan's own family and friends), she decapitated him and left.

Public outcry was immense; however, attempts to mobilize the Society against her proved unfruitful. Many Asian governments forbade American troops on their soil, and it was unknown which country Jin had left for. When evidence came out that Mr. Brennigan had visited a brothel in Thailand where one of the prostitutes had reportedly been murdered during his stay, much of the American-led anger and antagonism toward Jin had started to dissolve under the realization that it was nearly impossible to find her.

Shortly after the events of 1984, Jin disappeared into northern India. She has been missing since.

DESCRIPTION: Over seven feet tall, described as 'ferociously beautiful', with distinctly Chinese features. Jin's obsession with justice is singleminded and unwavering; she slays those she judges as unjust with no remorse or hesitation. In particular, her targets are almost always those who believe themselves to be above the law--particularly when they do harm to those who are otherwise powerless. Her fixation on administering justice for those who would be unable to seek it out for themselves has earned her a great deal of popularity among the disenfranchised in several Asian countries; it is not unheard of for people to worship her as a Goddess.

When possible, Jin seems to prefer to leave criminals to their country's respective court systems. But when it becomes clear that the court systems are unequipped to dole out reasonable justice, she will take matters in her own hands--and execute the perpetrator without fail.

It is suspected she has some means to determine guilt, but the nature of this power or its accuracy remains unknown.




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